报表与报告 - 2016年发行要点

PortfolioAnalyst Release Notes



Compliance Reports for Advisors

Registered Investment Advisors can now view and download Form 13F and Form 13D/G compliance reports. Advisors can view and download .CSV or MS Excel reports from the Reports > Supplemental > Compliance menu.

Form 13F is the Information Required of Institutional Investors, required for Advisors with investment discretion over accounts with aggregate fair market value of $100 million or more in Section 13(f) securities as of the last trading day of any of the preceding 12 months. Form 13D/G is the Beneficial Ownership Report, which Section 13(d) requires if the Advisor owns or manages more than 5% of the voting class of any equity security registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act.

For more information about setting up three-tier Advisor accounts, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

November 2016

Week Ending November 11, 2016

Activity Statements - Model Summaries Included in Default Statement

The Default Activity Statement for accounts with models now includes a Model Summary at the top of the statement followed by the full statement for the account. This applies to HTML-, PDF- and CSV-formatted statements for all periods.

October 2016

Week Ending October 28, 2016

New PortfolioAnalyst Report - Trade Summary

We've added a new report to PortfolioAnalyst Detailed reports - the Trade Summary. The Trade Summary report shows information for all trades made in the selected time period, grouped by asset type and then by currency. Information includes symbol; description; sector; and quantity, average price and proceeds from buys and sells.

For more information about PortfolioAnalyst, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Activity Statements Updates

In Activity Statements, we've added the Issuer field to the Financial Information section for municipal bonds.

IB Reporting Integration Tool Updates

Our Reporting Integration Tool has been updated to include a new activity code for settled commissions, SCOM. Activity codes are used to identify the TransactionType in the Activity File layout. For more information about our Reporting Integration Tool, see the Reporting Integration Tool Developer's Guide.

Week Ending October 14, 2016

Activity Statements in CSV Format

When generating an Activity Statement, you can now select CSV (comma-separated values) as the output format. For those IB clients who have been using the Excel format for their statements, we recommend using the new CVS format; however, we will continue to make the Excel format available listed as Excel (Legacy) on the Activity Statements page in Account Management.

September 2016

Week Ending September 2, 2016

Tax Optimizer Disabled for IB-CA Accounts

Canadian customer accounts, which are automatically assigned to our IB Canada (IB-CA) entity, no longer have access to the Tax Optimizer.

August 2016

Week Ending August 5 2016

New Reports in PortfolioAnalyst - Performance by Asset Class and Performance by Symbol

We've added two new reports to PortfolioAnalyst. Both reports are available in Detailed PortfolioAnalyst reports:

  • Performance by Asset Class - This report displays a color-coded bar chart that illustrates the cumulative contribution to your portfolio's return by asset class for each day, month or quarter in the specified time period. Each color-coded bar in the chart represents the contribution of all asset classes to each day/month/quarter in the specified time period. There is also a table which shows the return for each asset class for each day/month/quarter in the specified time period.
  • Performance by Symbol - Displays four charts, a table and two heat maps representing the performance of the symbols in your portfolio:
    • Top Five Contributors - This chart displays the five symbols with the highest contribution to your portfolio's return.
    • Bottom Five Contributors - This chart displays the five symbols with the lowest contribution to your portfolio's return.
    • Contribution by Sector - This bar chart displays the contribution of each sector to your portfolio's return.
    • Contribution by Asset Class - This bar chart displays each the contribution of each asset class to your portfolio's return.
    • Table - Shows data for all open or closed symbols grouped by asset class, including sector, Average Weight, Return, Contribution to Return, and Unrealized and Realized P&L in dollar amounts.
    • Sector Composition Heat Map - This is a visual representation of each sector's contribution to return. Each sector block shows the contribution to return of each symbol in that sector. The larger the block, the larger the contribution to return.
    • Portfolio Heat Map - This is a visual representation of the contribution to return of each symbol in your portfolio. Green indicates a positive return while red indicates a negative return.

For more information about PortfolioAnalyst, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Trade Confirmation PDF Reports

You can save Trade Confirmation reports in PDF format. Simply select PDF as the Format when you set up your Trade Confirmation report. For more information about Trade Confirmation reports, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

July 2016

Week Ending July 22, 2016

Activity Statement Updates

Activity Statements have been updated with the following changes:

  • AIFMD Statement Sections - Sections that appear only for accounts affected by the European Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD) are now enabled for Proprietary Trading Group STL accounts for consolidated statements only. These include the required Collateral for Customer Borrowing and Location of Customer Assets, Positions and Money sections.
  • Change in NAV- For this section, client fees are no longer included with commissions and are included as their own line item along with the rest of the fee types (Advisor, Client, Other).

July 2016

Week Ending July 1, 2016

PortfolioAnalyst - Date Range Time Period for External Account Summary

In PortfolioAnalyst, you can now change the time period on the Summary tab to Custom Period, which lets you enter a starting and ending date to define a range of dates. The values and percent change in value displayed on the Summary tab will change to reflect your time period selection.


“活动自主查询”功能更新 - 在模型中加入所有账户


活动报表更新 - 为账户添加新板块,以遵循AIFMD



  • 盈透英国的客户(除外账户类型见下方)
  • 盈透证券有限公司 - 仅限基金经理的签发国家或法定住所为欧盟国家的对冲基金(单一或多基金账户),包括单一基金账户和多基金账户的每个子账户,但不包括基金经理主账户。
  • 除外账户类型:
    • 自主投资个人养老金(SIPP)主账户和子账户
    • 财富经理
    • 资金经理
    • 引荐人
    • IB员工监测主账户
    • 介绍经纪商主账户(全披露)
    • 朋友和家庭账户(仅限以F开头的账户)
    • 专业顾问(仅限以F开头的账户)
    • 资金经理(仅限以F开头的账户)
    • 仅参与执行的账户



  • 客户借贷抵押 - 该版块位于“未平仓头寸”版块之后,将显示客户账户中有抵押担保的负债总额、所有可抵押的未平仓股票头寸,以及已从隔离账户移除的数额(即已出借的客户股票及从未隔离账户中移除的股票)。
  • 客户资产、头寸及资金的所在地 - 该版块位于“代码”版块之后,将列出托管资产及衍生品头寸的所在地(即,存托地点、托管人姓名以及衍生品头寸清算所的名称);以及持有或可能持有客户资金的机构,其中资金包括客户银行账户及客户交易账户中存放的资金。




任何包含20,000多个活动或250多个账户的活动报表或活动自主查询请求均会自动提交进行批量处理,并可在账户管理的报告 > 活动 > 批量报告页面进行查看。




我们在绩效归因报告中增加了三个图表,您在投资组合分析中创建详情报告时便可看到。绩效归因报告新的第二页包含两个图表 - 一个是总累积归因影响线图,另一个为包含代表总归因线的归因影响柱状图。第三页包含显示各个板块平均权数对百分比贡献收益的散布图。散布图可让您直观地看到收益期内对比S&P 500您各个板块的权重(板块分配)和收益贡献情况如何。








现在您可以将保证金报告保存为PDF或CSV(逗号分隔值)格式。您可在Microsoft Excel或类似程序中打开CSV格式的报告。在选择PDF或CSV作为格式并生成保证金报告时,系统将提示您查看或保存文件。从账单报告 > 风险菜单访问保证金报告。






模型页面移至报告 > 活动菜单

模型页面可供顾问、资金经理、顾问客户、基金投资经理或基金查看TWS中所创建之模型的报表。现在该页面已经移动。您可从账单报告 > 活动报告菜单访问模型页面。先前,模型页面位于账单报告 > 补充。




从本次发行开始,针对将账户分成不同分区的客户现提供的一种新的默认报表。分区总结现位于账户管理中账单报告 > 活动报告 > 报表页面的报表下拉列表。


  • 各分区的姓名、账户号码、账户类型与及基础货币显示在报表的第一栏。
  • 净资产价值栏 - 报表期间各分区的期初与期末净资产价值和时间加权回报率。您可以向下打开每个分区获取更多详情。
  • 盈亏栏 - 报告期间各分区的按市值计价盈亏、佣金和其他费用。您可以向下打开每个分区获取更多详情。
  • 头寸栏 - 各分区的头寸信息,包括数量、成本基准、收盘价及未实现盈亏。您可以向下打开一个分区以查看代码和资产类别详情。
  • 交易栏 - 报表期间各分区的交易。您可以向下打开一个分区以查看更多代码、资产类别和其他详情。
  • 现金报告栏 - 报表期间各分区的期初与期末现金、存款、取款、利息、净交易和股息。






  • 总结 - 总结标签现在是您打开投资组合分析将会看到的第一个页面。一旦添加外部账户,总结标签便可供您查看您IB账户和单个外部账户当前与前期的数值或所有账户的合并数值。您可轻松向下打开查看各金融机构每种资产类别和头寸的详细信息或所有机构的合并信息。
  • 外部账户 - 使用该标签页面在投资组合分析中添加、编辑并删除外部账户。默认情况下,我们已包含了您的IB账户。



我们已将TradeLog添加至可用的第三方服务列表,可供我们的客户从其网站上下载活动数据。已有的第三方服务包括Mint和CashEdge。可在账户管理中从报告 > 设置菜单访问第三方服务页面。






  • Bloomberg Global ID - 该板块已添加至头寸、活动、安全与盈亏文件。
  • Originating Order ID - 该板块已添加至头寸文件并应用于纳税备查行。
  • TWR - 该板块已添加资产净值(NAV)文件。


员工监测(EmployeeTrack)数据报送整合版本 1.4

我们的员工监测(EmployeeTrack)数据报送已更新至版本1.4。该版本将Bloombert Global ID板块添加至了头寸、交易和安全文件。



投资组合分析 - 独立的默认与自定义报告标签


  • 默认报告标签 - 打开投资组合分析之后,将出现默认报告。您可以从默认标签下载默认PDF详情与快照报告以及默认CSV(逗号分隔值)详情报告。
  • 自定义报告标签 - 点击该标签创建新报告。保存自定义报告时,其将出现在该标签内。您保存的所有详情与快照投资组合分析报告都会在该标签内列出。


投资组合分析 - 将整合报告保存为CSV格式
